Val Venosta
Val Venosta is where our Hotel in Sluderno is located, and it is one of the widest and sunniest valleys in South Tyrol.
The valley is located on the border with Switzerland and Austria and is a short distance from the town of Merano, an ideal place where multiple cultures meet.
It forms the westernmost edge of the province of Bolzano and includes the Ortler, which, at 3906 meters, is the highest peak in Trentino-Alto Adige. The entire area is protected by the imposing mountain ranges of the Ortles-Cevedale group (to the south) and the Ötztal Alps (to the north). These two ranges create a barrier capable of holding back disturbances from both sides, trapping the moisture-laden clouds on the peaks of the two ranges. While drought has often posed a difficult problem in the past, the mild and sunny climate of the valley attracts numerous tourists each year, enchanted by the natural beauty and unique features of this wonderful land. Of the 300 “waalwege” constructed in the past to channel water from the mountains and irrigate the fields, only about a dozen remain today, along which visitors can enjoy pleasant walks on foot or by bike. The function of these ancient irrigation channels is now purely touristic, as they have been replaced by more modern irrigation systems.
Val Venosta is a land that has seen uninterrupted human settlement throughout history: evidence of a stable human presence dates back to ancient times, as demonstrated by the discovery of the Similaun Mummy, Ötzi, in the Venosta Alps. Discovered by a pair of German hikers in September 1991, the mummy is believed to date back over 5200 years, while some artifacts unearthed nearby belong to the Mesolithic period (9000 – 8000 BC). The preservation of the Ötzi mummy is unique, having remained intact up to modern times thanks to the conservation effect of the ice. The Similaun mummy was covered by the advancing glacier of the same name, which returned it after millennia, much like the mammoths found in Siberia. After years of dispute between Italy and Austria, it is now displayed at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, located at Via Museo 43. The Ötzi mummy is not the only archaeological attraction in the area.
Val Venosta reaches the height of its splendor in countless locations that invite a stop: Glorenza, Castelbello, Lasa, Laces, Martello, Malles, Resia, Ortles, Silandro, Sluderno, Prato allo Stelvio, Solda, Tubre, and Trafoi are the main towns in Val Venosta, each with its own unique charm derived from a mix of elegance, hospitality, and architectural beauty. Here are some must-see sites during a stay: Churburg Castle in Sluderno, perfectly preserved and dating back to 1260; the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Maria in Malles, built in the 12th century; the Church of San Benedetto in Malles, erected in 800 AD; and the noble residence of Coldrano Castle in Laces. Not to be forgotten is what many call the “white gold of Val Venosta,” the marble of Lasa, known worldwide and used in the construction of museums, churches, and buildings of all kinds. And what can be said of the famous apples of Val Venosta? Available in six different varieties, they are protected by a brand that has been a guarantee of taste and quality for decades. In short, this land is ready to welcome any visitor with an endless list of offerings, proud of its must-see treasures and its enchanting nature, capable of captivating every mountain lover in any season. Easy to reach and offering a great variety of different activities and attractions, Val Venosta is one of the best destinations in the Alpine arc for those who love skiing, trekking, mountain biking, and outdoor walks. And those who wish to view the valley in its entirety can opt for a short trip aboard the now-famous Val Venosta train, the so-called “Vinschgerbahn,” which travels on a modern railway system inaugurated in 2005 and offers exceptional views and panoramas to its guests. The historic train crosses the entire Venosta region slowly and silently, in full harmony with the natural rhythms. Now let’s take a look at some of the most enchanting places in this historic region.