
Overlooked by the hill of Tarces, in the heart of upper Val Venosta, lies the town of Glorenza, a true gem whose historic center is distinguished by its extraordinary architectural richness. The medieval town has reached us in perfect condition, defying time and natural calamities. Glorenza was founded in Roman times, as it was already an important hub on the trade route that connected the Via Claudia Augusta with the so-called salt routes, which traversed the Alpine region and reached South Tyrol.

In 1499, at the end of the Engadine War, Glorenza was in a state of near-total destruction. To avoid further hardships, the local inhabitants decided to build massive perimeter walls. The restoration work began at the dawn of the 16th century and continued for many years. The height of the walls, the ten guard towers, and the imposing entrance gates protected the town from enemy incursions and still stand proudly today, attracting thousands of tourists each year. But the walls and towers are not the only interesting features of Glorenza, which also boasts splendid noble residences, medieval arcades, churches, and, finally, a castle. In recent years, a permanent exhibition has been set up inside the Tubre Tower in honor of one of the town’s most famous natives, illustrator Paul Flora, who passed away in 2009.